Monday, June 27, 2011

It's Easy to Keep Your Motorcycle Looking Good

When you have a motorcycle, you want to make sure that it stays looking good. You are probably proud of your bike and you want to show it off. You also want to make sure it works right. Performing routine maintenance can help to keep your motorcycle's value and keep it running and looking good for a longer time.

The most basic thing you can do to keep your motorcycle looking great is to wash it. You should wash it once a week, or more often if you have had a really dirty ride. When you wash it, you want to make sure you have clean water. Some people have a favorite soap or cleaning product that they really like, but warm water and a mild soap is all you really need. However you should have a different product for cleaning your tires. You could also use a power washer for the really dirty parts.

You should rinse off your bike first so that you get rid of any dirt that could scratch your bike. Then with a soft cloth or non-abrasive sponge you can start cleaning the bike. You want to thoroughly go over the entire body, including the fenders and seat. This lets you check your bike for any problem spots.

While you are cleaning your bike you want to make sure that you check your throttle linkages, your shift gear and your wheel rims. You will be able to fix any loose connections at this point.

When you are done washing and rinsing it, you need to dry it off. If you leave water droplets on, it they could damage your paint job. Use some chamois cloths to dry it off. This is also a good time to wax it. Waxing your bike not only keeps it looking shiny and new, it also protects it from rust and corrosives you might pick up.

Keeping your bike clean isn't the only maintenance that you can do on your own. There are also mechanical things that you can do on your own.

One is to make sure that the chain is at the right tension and is lubricated. This is something you can do at the same time that you are washing it. You want to make sure that it has the right tension in it. If the tension is too tight then your chain will wear quicker. If it's too loose then it can cause your bike to break down. Some people check and lubricate their chains with a wax chain lubricant or chain oil before every ride. Other do it once a week. How often you do it depends on how hard you ride, how often you ride and how long your rides are.

You also need to change your oil. If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself then you should take it to a motorcycle mechanic. You should change your oil every three months or 3000 miles. The kind of oil you get depends on what your bike manufacturer recommends.

Following these tips will keep your bike looking and running great.

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