Monday, June 27, 2011

The Black Biker Set: Are We Headed In the Right Direction?

I'm still a young blood on the bike set so to speak because I've only been on the bike scene for 6 years now, but I've been blessed enough to have a lot of family in my biker community that share a lot of their wisdom with those that will take the time to listen. I'm a firm believer in getting to know your past so you can embrace your future. But today, with the increase popularity of people joining motorcycle clubs- has the true focus of what the Black Bike Set is suppose to be about been lost in translation over the years? Or is the thought process of the new rider, out with the old in with the new?

When the Black Bike Set originally started their main focus was the camaraderie that they enjoy from fellowshipping together and of course riding the highways and byways on 2's. Also, during the early Black Bike Set days the early clubs all share a sense of brotherhood even for other motorcycle clubs- it did not matter if you did not fly a particular bike clubs colors if you were a fellow rider you were considered family. Back then the biking lifestyle was a shared one among all bikers. In the early days of the bike set, bikers seemed to have shared more of a love for the road and each other as well. There was a certain level of hospitality that was shown to any biker that rode into their town- the attitude was you're a biker so you're family and more importantly there were no problems or issues among them. A biker could travel from state to state with little to no money and would not have to worry about a place to lay their head or food because the bikers in that town would take care of you as one of their own no matter what colors were on your back. True brotherhood and a great sense of respect ruled the Black Bike Set and the black community as a whole. But as with anything times are changing and with that the chemistry that once governed the Black Bike Set seems to be a passing fad. Or is it?

Now here we are 2011 and the make-up of the Black Bike Set has changed dramatically. Over the last 10 years there has been an influx of what we call "motorcycle enthusiasts" and with that the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has documented a surge in motorcycle registrations. Of course the data collected by NHTSA does not include those un-registered motorcycle that are on the road illegally as well. With that being said there has an overwhelming increase in new bike clubs popping up all over the country. As a result, the bike set has become more diverse than in the past. That diversity and different cultural beliefs has changed the way that the majority of the "New Bikers" view the definition of brotherhood and camaraderie within the biker community. The "New Bikers" of today seems to value individuality and competition over brotherhood and mutual respect for each other- although this is not true in all cases. And I would be remised if I did not point out that also with all of the new age changes women, yes my sisters, are at the fore front of the changes with this new age biker scene. Of course there have always been female riders on the set, but today it is more the norm than not and we are really making our presence known on the new age bike set of today! Do it sistas!

Now, yes I agree nothing can ever stay completely the same and change is inevitable- as the old saying goes "It's a bad wind that never changes", but as the bike set continues to evolve you have to ask yourself is all change "Good Change"?

Many of the "Old School Bikers" feel with the increasing number of pop-up fly by night motorcycle clubs that are now on the set there has been a loss of true tradition and mutual respect. With the loss of tradition, respect and brotherhood the very glue that has held many of the "Old School Bikers" together even today are said to be fading characteristics and are believed to be some of the primary reasons that the "New School Bikers" may not have the longevity that their fore fathers have experienced.

Now the "Old School Bikers" agree that a lot of the "New School Bikers" are doing a lot of great things like getting more involved in doing charity work, becoming entrepreneurs and some bike clubs are making great strides in changing how the community views' the motorcycle community as a whole. So yes, some of the changes that have been ushered in by the "New School Biker" have served to benefit the entire motorcycle community.

Overall as a whole, the change in the Black Bike Set has been for the better. Yeah, things aren't like they use to be- there is no denying that point; however, the majority of the "New School Bikers" agree that they do share many of the same values as the "Old School Bikers" also.

No matter how you feel, one thing is true "Old School Biker" or "New School Biker" the main thing we share is the love of riding on 2's. A biker is a biker no matter what colors you fly, your race, your gender, what you ride or where you live! If you're rolling on 2's you deserve and should have the respect, brotherhood and love of those in the motorcycle community. But remember to get respect you must first give respect! Peace, much respect and One Love!

As always, I would like to know how you feel- leave your comment! Thanks for stopping by!

Stephanie Eason ask (Tastee) of The Notorious Ones MC

Hello my name is Stephanie Eason my biker name is Tastee. I've been involved in the biker community for 6 years now and I saw a need to discuss some of the issues we face day-to-day. My BLog Page is My blog is unique because I talk about topics that really matter to the motorcycle community as a whole. Visit my blog and let me know what you think! Talk to you soon! Respect and much love!

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